Im englischsprachigen Blog Stuffed Crocodile werden aktuell die frühen DSA-Abenteuer rezensiert. Der neueste Beitrag dreht sich um Durch das Tor der Welten. In der Summe wird resümiert, dass das Abenteuer einige Überarbeitung bräuchte:

»I find this module wanting. The monastery section is all too short, the climb down the tree too long, the sandbzox contents are too thin. This could have been a great adventure. As it is it feels bloodless. I guess one could properly work out the sandbox, maybe use it as a backdoor into Myranor from the west. Ras Tabor is being worked out in the pages of Myranor fanzine Memoria Myrana, and some of the ideas do work: a giant jungle setting with whole kingdoms on giant trees, a few city states of the imperial magocracy cut off from the rest of the Second Imperium, the ever present threat of the realm of the skull god beyond the sea.«

– aus dem Fazit

Quelle: Stuffed Crocodile